31 October 2007

29 October 2007

Strap-on lunacies

I think I will move forward with my anthology plans... :D
Friends, start writing and/or editing your submission pieces!


I've been plotting my return to school, strapping on an additional English major (I'm already 6 units from a Theatre degree), and scouring info in the FSU catalog about their MFA in Poetry program. I've always enjoyed college and filling my brain with new goodygoods!


Quote of the Day:
"To be great is to be misunderstood."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


I've been wrongfully fired from my lead role in Childe Byron. I'm hurt and disappointed in a company that claims openness and honesty yet doesn't respect their own actors. Caveat Emptor: ultimatums, guilt-trips, personal and professional insults, lies lies lies.


I'm going this Thursday to adopt a new kitty. Fiona is a wild cat; she comes and goes and is basically a lunatic. I need a kitty that wants to stay, lunatic or no. I will post pics of the new kotka!

28 October 2007


Today is my anniversary with Michael.
*le sigh*